The Purple and Scarlet Woman

I happened upon The Purple and Scarlet Woman and Her Relatives by Rev. A.B. King, 1900. I wasn’t looking for it specifically, it just popped up in my keyword searching and my curiosity was piqued. So first, I tried searching for the author. Very few references came up for Albert Barnes King other than he was born in NJ and died in Brooklyn. Searches are quickly overshadowed by the more well-known Albert Barnes. So I started reading for my own context and understanding, and based on other reading, it was pretty easy to gauge his wind direction early on. He opens by throwing shade at the Catholics: The actual book begins, and immediately states that clearly Rome is the harlot described iin Revelations. Which I suppose makes sense in the context of John being the author of Revelations and John being maybe boiled in oil and then sent to work the mines in Patmos by the Emperor. I may or may not continue down this rabbit hole. I like the old style of writing when they come right out and say what they want to say, then maybe spend the rest of the book justifying it, instead of the general teasing approach used so often nowadays. I’d love to have a bit more context on Rev. A.B. King, though. How does someone fade into obscurity after that? Further, he’d be turning in his grave if he saw the state of religion today. Here’s the problem. When you create a power structure, a chain of command, if you will, people who lust for power are drawn to it.

The Zentangle Controversy

I have a friend who is a Certified Zentangle Teacher. She offers classes. I remember that when I first heard this, I felt some inner confusion. On the surface, Zentangle, to me, just seemed like doodling. Are there people out there taking classes to learn to doodle? The answer is yes. Yes, there are. Not only that, but people are taking classes to learn how to TEACH the Zentangle structured doodling method. And at the time of this writing, the teacher class is in the neighborhood of $2,000 in USD, and is a four-day class. I can’t report on the teacher class, or hell, even the regular class for students, because I haven’t taken either one. But I did come across one of the dozen-or-so Zentangle-related books that are out there, and gave it a whirl. I learned a few things on the experiential level. Yes. Drawing repeating patterns and filling a space with them is relaxing and therapeutic. It provided a target for my focus, and the end result is pleasing to the eye. I also noticed that since I hadn’t done anything like this in a while, my hand tended to tense up while drawing, and it was probably a helpful exercise to stay mindful of that and deliberately relax my hand while drawing. I also learned that the pen I used, a Micro-Line 05, was maybe a bit insufficient. Maybe it had just dried out a bit. The book recommended the Micron Pigma pens, maybe the 08, which is a similar size to what I was using. Blowing it up to upload here clearly shows the area where better ink flow might have made the image more visually appealing. But you get the point, I’m sure. After working through a few of their suggested (copyrighted? trademarked?) patterns, I branched off a little bit and improvised. It was fun. Then I started exploring my Zentangle curiosity from the other angle — how did it come about? How did it become an international business, with some 3000 certified teachers out there? What I found was interesting, and stimulated my innate tendency to look for the dark side of any given thing. Apparently, some people believe that the purveyors of the Zentangle business model didn’t really come up with anything on their own; rather, they applied capitalism, circa 2003-4, to an art style expressed by Nadia Russ, who called it NeoPopRealism. Apparently the initial theft occurred in Rhode Island, where the “founders” and master instructors of Zentangle run their operations. Of all places, I found these allegations on Of course, there are many facets to every story. The hard truth is that in a capitalist society, the party with the capital tends to come out on top.

Christian Anarcho-Naturism

Someone call the media. I think I’ve found the mother load. If presentation mode can be an indicator of mental disorder, these people can be committed before reading a single word. What monster decided that the proper way to deploy a website is: * A Single Blogspot page With links to several collections of videos, books, audiobooks, etc. I don’t think I’ve seen this particular combination of beliefs in one place before, but there are a lot of statements and ideas that will take some unpacking to separate the wheat from the chaff here: Obviously, naturism/nudism is a primary component. It’s in the title. Anti-psychiatry is a common theme in the video collections. Purity (needs unpacking) Narcissism Demons Psychotropic drugs cause irreversible damage to various organs in the body, especially the brain, mainly damaging the protection of the brain from the strongest influence of demons. For example, an average person can show 60% of their real character, but the other 40% of their apparent personality is actually composed of the influence of a total 20% of demons and another 20% of angels.


So I happened upon a copy of Hackergeist: Electronic Grimoire of Cybersigils of the Cthulhu Mythos and it opened up a new line of pursuit. As if the book itself isn’t interesting enough as a launch point, it led me to, the website of the First United Church of Cthulhu, a nonprofit where you can ordain yourself and produce a letter of good standing for yourself, for whatever you wish to do that for. Go there. Do all the things.

Where Are You?

Where are you in time and space? Where are you in your personal evolution? Where are you in your understanding of the reality you live in? What signposts can you see around you? Behind you? Ahead of you? I found this document in a roundabout manner, and it triggered these thoughts and awarenesses in me. And now I need a stiff drink.

Make Your Own Orgone Accumulator

I happened upon Introduction to Orgone, 2004 Jon Logan, a few days ago. It’s more information than I’ve ever seen in one place about orgone, including the hows and whys. But specifically this document also includes a bunch of recipes for making your own by suspending metal powder and whatnot in resin. I wonder if these are the recipes used by the plethora of orgonite trinket sellers on Ebay and Etsy.

Demonolatry in Prison

Despite the fact that I’m not incarcerated, and probably don’t know anyone who’s currently incarcerated, much less someone with an interest in demonolatry who is currently incarcerated, I found this next document thought-provoking and potentially useful. It’s called: Scales of Ma’at: A Guide for the Incarcerated. It was published by S. Connolly eight years ago and at least at one point was offered as a free PDF. The files listed on are mostly broken links at this point, so I don’t know whether that’s being maintained at all. In any case, the document outlines how one can go about practicing demonolatry in a highly restrictive environment with limited props and accessories, and not much freedom to modify one’s surroundings to create an optimal environment for the type of work involved. Add to that the potential danger one might face in merely exercising one’s freedom of religion in public, depending on the gestalt of one’s surroundings and the potential stigma associated with the religion in which they choose to participate, and it’s easy to see how this document can be surprisingly helpful, potentially extending far beyond demonolatry. First there are the fairly predictable yet practical discussions. When one can’t use props, one must improvise. There are practical physical improvisations, and then there are the improvisations you can make in your mind. In addition, several specific workings are provided which are specifically useful for those enjoying the hospitality of the criminal justice system. Whereas practitioners on the outside might lean in the majority toward the acquisition of love or money, those inside might need assistance in resolving a legal matter in their favor. While reading this, I made parallels in my mind to those practicing elsewhere, perhaps in a free yet unsupportive environment. Perhaps in a home where others are unaware, unsupportive or even hostile. I thought that some of these techniques could be useful to someone in that type of situation. Turns out Connolly already has a document for that. It’s called Hidden: Living With the Uninitiated. I have been unable to score a copy of this one yet, but will report back if I do.

Low Budget, Low Effort Subliminals…

I found a six-pager called “Amazing New Mind Power Secret.” You know how some techniques just seem exhausting from just reading about them? So many dependencies, props, rickety scaffolding in order just to practice a technique? This one isn’t that. This technique is so devastatingly simple that it just might work. Write, draw or otherwise represent your subject, large, on paper — your subject being what you are trying to attract to you. Tape it somewhere you can see it from your bed. Sleep with a flashlight, preferably one that it’s easy to provide a brief flash — the author suggests a plain switch that you can slide on/off quickly, but a number of flashlights now include momentary on/off switches. Set alarms to wake you periodically. When you wake, flash on your paper subject a few times. It’s a low-tech way of injecting subliminal frames into the movie that is your life.

Florence Scovell Shinn

So I mentioned in a previous post that the work of Florence Scovell Shinn was referenced in a quasi-random textfile I happend upon. I ended up picking up an audiobook of her collected works from Libro.FM (yes, that’s an affiliate link). It’s kind of thrown me for a loop. Disrupted me. I was under the belief that so-called “prosperity gospel,” which pretty much seems to preach a link from Christianity to wealth and prosperity, came into being maybe in the 1970s or 1980s. I thought of it as a relatively recent deviation from the traditional spiritual and moral course. But at its core, this is what Florence Scovell Shinn put into the world — way back in 1925 — with her debut work, The Game of Life and How to Play It. In truth, so far the only thing distinguishing this work from modern prosperity gospel is the lack of a direct link for her to profit. I guess the book medium doesn’t lend itself quite so well to the transactional nature of today’s media. Or it was the soft sell to get them to come to her in person. She speaks a lot in her work of people that come to her for “treatment.” I swear, if she’s not the grandmother of both prosperity gospel and even NLP, I don’t know who is. One of her other titles is “Your Word is Your Wand.” She references frequently how your choice of words, your phrasing, can describe your intention and have positive or negative effects on your life, even above your actual intention. One example she provides is how someone who wished they could see better expressed it using a poor choice of words, frequently saying “I wish I could get rid of these glasses,” and then wondered why their glasses kept breaking, etc. She emphasized the importance of choosing your words carefully to reflect your true intent. Instead of just wishing your glasses were gone, choose words that represent the perfect vision you desire. On the prosperity side of things, one of the catchphrases/prayer-like mantras is “Infinite spirit, open the way for my perfect abundance. I am an irresistible magnet for everything that is mine by divine right,” which sounds kind of ego-centered, but I think that’s kind of the point of what she was putting out there. Maybe her works influenced Ayn Rand.

On Jizz Magic

I’ve come across several references in the past few days on how some occult texts were deliberately obfuscated (duh!) by changing the texts to make them refer to blood sacrifices and murder to make them seem MORE (socially acceptable? Palatable?) than the sex acts and fluids they actually meant to refer to, because writing about such “immoral” topics back then could lead to serious social and legal problems. And of course, the true initiates recognizes this because they’ve been “initiated.” To this day very few texts refer specifically and explicitly to the sex acts and fluids involved in certain rituals. It’s Heroic Alterity all over again, where in that text everything is a veiled allegory for autofellatio. It’s as if semen is considered such a powerful and magical substance that consuming it is at the top of the occult to-do list. I’d love to find some direct, unobfuscated texts that go into that topic in detail. Is it only your OWN semen? Is there power in consuming others’ semen? What about planting it unbeknownst to the person doing the consuming? I’m sure some occultist has put down some theories on this. A quick google leads to some jizz science, how the roots of jizz worship lie in the the alchemical search for phosphorus: And then there’s Glenn Scheper’s classic work on the cloaking of autofellatio references through the ages. You might find it by searching for “Heroic Alterity.” I never thought I’d see the day where Scheper’s work, which I discovered in the early 2000s, was debated amongst “internet scholars.” As mentioned previously in my Magia Sexualis post, there ARE some documents out there with oddly specific recipes and instructions.

The Finger Doth Point

I found this lovely “article” from 2013, it appears to be from a publication/website called End the Lie, which I know absolutely nothing about and apparently no longer exists. What is clear is there is an argument going on about the OTO and Crowley between two people with very different takes. Some lovely points are made in the article, but more importantly I was introduced to a reference to Florence Scovel Shinn, which has officially piqued my interest. That is all… for now…

Ranting on the Inaccuracy of Ranting

I sometimes enjoy reading some of the shorter conspiracy-theory rants I find in the land of orphaned PDFs. It’s good to get a bird’s-eye view of the various perspectives promulgated by the various players in the world stage. And wasn’t that the purpose of the Illuminatus! trilogy? To bombard us with so many conflicting conspiracy theories so as to immunize us from all of them? To force skepticism? Today I came across yet another anti-Freemasonry rant. It seemed a bit long at 28 pages, but I started slogging through it anyway. The title: Freemasonry: The Worship of Lucifer, SATAN Part 1 of 5. Of course, from the title I already recognized the angle and didn’t expect to find anything earth-shattering. Of course, I was unsurprised. A section on the use of the five-pointed star wandered predictably into the one-point-up-good vs two-points-up-bad trope. You know, the whole Baphomet/Goat of Mendes thing. And to a non-immunized mind, or one already prone to defense of simplistic evangelical Christian dogma, this is probably effective. But they added and unnecessarily specific detail which ruins their point for those who are paying attention. Oh, the conspiracy folks love their numbers and math: It should be noted that from the way the pentagram is normally seen (one point up, two down), rotating the pentagram 33 degrees you get a Satanic Pentagram. 33 is the highest degree there is in Freemasonry. This didn’t sound mathematically or geometrically correct to me, so I loaded a pentagram image into GIMP. By using the arbitrary rotation feature, I determined that the actual rotation required to turn a one-point-up pentagram into a two-points-up pentagram is 36 degrees, not 33, which makes perfect sense (360 degrees in a circle / five points in a star = 72 degrees, and half of that will move a one-point-up into a two-points-up). I won’t even get into the 33 = highest degree claim, because it’s nuanced; also, it has been mathematically invalidated by the wrongness of the first premise.

A Short Story of Surprise…

I happened upon a short story that crept in from an unusual angle and raised more questions than answers, while exposing me to new avenues of exploration. The story is called The Diane Arbus Suicide Portfolio, and it was written by Marc Laidlaw, who is known for his work on the Half Life video game series. Whether you have a thing for horror, or a thing for Diane Arbus’ photography (I have both) this story is worth seeking out and consuming. I won’t spoil it for you. Go now.

It’s Orphic Gold, Jerry! Orphic Gold!

I hadn’t heard of the Orphic Gold tablets before. Maybe you hadn’t either. Except now you have. The Orphic Gold tablets were gold leaf inscribed with instructions for the afterlife, found since 1879 in graves throughout South Italy, Crete, and Thessaly. Some of them seem to have been rather important instructions. You might do well to read them, especially since you really have no idea just… how soon… the afterlife… will be…

Astral Planes, Oddly Specific

When reading all things astral — astral travel, astral projection, astral planes — my biggest complaint is usually the vague, undefined nature of the reference. Rarely does one get a real sense of what an astral plane looks like, feels like, etc. Not so in this document, found in my non-astral digital travels. This document so thoroughly described the astral planes that my curiosity has been engaged to a surprising new level.

More on Pornography

I found, and read “Your Brain on Porn” by Gary Wilson. I get how “porn addiction” is a problem for some people. To be honest, I think the addiction part is the operative word. Take away their porn, and they will find something else to be addicted to. It’s just that it hasn’t really been my experience. That reality that some folks experience where they have to keep escalating their experience, either by viewing more and more explicit imagery, or their addiction is a physical sex addiction, engaging in more and more risky, violent or extreme activities for the same level of stimulation — well, that has never been my reality. For the most part, I am still turned on by the same things that turned me on when I was a teenager. I was just glad this book didn’t piggyback off of the “erototoxins” pseudoscience. It basically described the symptoms mentioned above, and provided some advice to those experiencing those symptoms. Common-sense advice, such as taking a break to reboot your senses.

Ding, Dong, The Witch Is Dead

During a period of morbid curiosity my searches led me to a smattering of text files about pornography. Yes, I said about, not containing. I was intrigued by the titles. There have been people against pornography for as long as there has been pornography, I’m sure. Jealous lovers who consider it a form of infidelity, churchgoing moralists who consider it immoral, and the list goes on. But few gave the movement as much traction as Judith Reisman. She’s dead now. I say that she’s dead not in a real celebratory sense, as the title of this post would imply, but with more of a sense of relief, I guess. I don’t know what crawled up Judith’s anal cavity and died, but she had a hard-on for pornographers for decades. Her name came up while I was trying to untangle a specific screed. This screed was rather typical of the genre in that it not only ranted against pornography but rather consistently blamed the Jews for it. So it was hard to tell, in this particular rant, whether the author was simply anti-semitic and using porn as evidence against the Jews, or anti-porn and the Jews were just convenient scapegoats. I suspect the author was both anti-porn AND anti-semetic. In this particular screed, “erototoxins” came up. “Organized Jewry seems to have no moral scruples about profiting from the sale of pornography. They show no concern about the proven fact that highly addictive and dangerous erototoxins are released into the brain after contact with pornography and can cause progressive brain damage.” This quote was attributed to Lasha Darkmoon, but when I googled erototoxins, Reisman’s name came up. As far as I can tell, erototoxins aren’t really a scientific thing at all. Yep, turns out she made up the word, to attach a negative stigma to the chemical changes in the body caused by sexual arousal. Anyhow, this arousal-hating, American Family Association-supporting person died in April of this year. Good riddance, and I think I’m going to rub one out in her honor. God bless the holy erototoxins. Wheeeeee!

Summary: Magia Sexualis

I happened upon a copy of Magia Sexualis by Paschal Beverly Randolph (PBR, lol!) in my travels, and I wanted to summarize it here briefly. I really like it when I come across a text that’s devoid of fluff. This one is completely devoid of fluff. It’s only 30 pages long, and goes right into it, after the translator’s (Robert North) preface. And there’s not a whole lot of content here. But what there is, well, it’s concise. It’s right on the money, no nonsense ingredients and instructions. There’s a section on sexual positions relating to “charging of volts” via sexual magick. There’s another section on various types of “fluid condensors” for various magickal purposes. I believe I understand what this section is dancing around, but I will leave that to the individual reader to decipher. Lastly, there is a very interesting section on the care, maintenance and use of magic mirrors which I had not seen before. It contains very clear instructions, and this section alone is worth obtaining this piece of historical work. Get your copy here: