Low Budget, Low Effort Subliminals…

I found a six-pager called “Amazing New Mind Power Secret.”

You know how some techniques just seem exhausting from just reading about them? So many dependencies, props, rickety scaffolding in order just to practice a technique? This one isn’t that.

This technique is so devastatingly simple that it just might work.

Write, draw or otherwise represent your subject, large, on paper — your subject being what you are trying to attract to you. Tape it somewhere you can see it from your bed. Sleep with a flashlight, preferably one that it’s easy to provide a brief flash — the author suggests a plain switch that you can slide on/off quickly, but a number of flashlights now include momentary on/off switches.

Set alarms to wake you periodically. When you wake, flash on your paper subject a few times. It’s a low-tech way of injecting subliminal frames into the movie that is your life.

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