Roots and Root Canals

Yesterday, after a root canal that took more than twice the anticipated time, my endodontist told me, “You have the longest canine I have ever worked on. This will stay with me in my mind.” This is a profound statement, or at least a profound enhancer. No matter what you’re saying to someone, adding “This will stay with me in my mind” to the end of it adds quite a bit of weight to it. Whatever the preceding statement was, it will be reverberating in the recipient’s head for a while after that. Imagine, my canines, which look normal to the casual observer, conceal an abnormal length only visible to the person brave enough to kill and extract the nerve.

Perhaps I am descended from a line of secret vampires. Casual research has indicated potential viking heritage, but that could be simple romanticization of a last name. However, previous researchs have claimed a link to William the Conqueror.

Viking vampire? Draugr?

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