Credit Card Debt Termination Secrets

I’m not going to post this ebook, because I’m not interested in violating Bryan Smith’s copyrights, but I wanted to spotlight and discuss it.

Over the years I’ve found countless documents describing sometimes tempting methods to “get one over on the system” — stop paying taxes, debt doesn’t exist, etc. I’ve even known a few individuals who tried these methods.

If you’re dabbling in this world, I want you to understand one thing. Whatever you found is likely bullshit.

I mean, sure, you can try to stop paying taxes. Sure, you can follow this guy’s templates for “eliminating your debt.” I mean, he provided direct evidence that it “worked.” Right? All those responses from the creditors, all the ones that he “never heard from again.”

What he doesn’t talk about are the direct economic consequences of using his method. He starts to acknowledge them, in the last paragraph of his document, as if to shrug it off. “Who cares? It’s just a credit report,” it seems to say. And a desperate person looking for a solution to a desperate financial situation might take that at face value and not apply critical thinking.

The problem is that when you start stacking your credit report with negatives and charge-offs, which he admits having done, it affects your ability to borrow. You may have difficulty obtaining a mortgage, a vehicle loan or even insurance, and when you do, it will cost more. And if you change your mind and decide to later participate in the system and get the benefits of “stellar credit,” it will take seven years to clean up the mess you’ve made, if you can even do it. It’s a short-term game that causes long-term headache. Don’t do it unless you’re willing to be shut out of the system.

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