Further Adventures Down the Binaural Rabbit Hole

So after discovering that binaural porn exists, I decided to follow up on related avenues and see what popped up.

I’ve been curious yet highly skeptical about subliminal suggestion, binaural programming, hypnosis, etc. for decades. I feel like it’s natural to expect results with some of these tactics, especially with regard to behaviors and habits. If your intention is strong enough, affirmations and programming can help reinforce that.

Do I believe that penis enlargement can be achieved by listening to guided meditations? Not a fucking chance. However, I can see how some folks might be lulled into believing it, especially with Jacqueline Campanelli’s “horse cock alpha male” recordings.

Why these particular recordings? Because unlike straight subliminal recordings, which present to the ear simply as tones, pulses, atmospheric noise or music, Jacqueline Campanelli’s recordings say the quiet part out loud. “You are the king. You are an alpha male. You are a winner.” Two voices, a lower voice in the left ear and a higher-pitched voice in the right ear, and slightly off timed as well. Mellow guitar in the background. “You are full of confidence. You carry yourself well. You walk with pride. You walk with a big dick. Your penis leads you through life. You walk with confidence.”

The simple truth is, talking about a penis focuses a man’s awareness on his penis, which lends it blood, thickness and weight.

“Feel new life flowing into your penis. It is your penis. This is your dick and it is not going away. You love it. It loves you. And it loves women. You have noticed something new. Your penis is growing more every single day. Day in, day out. Your penis is growing into the size and shape of a horse’s cock. A horse’s cock.”

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