The things they make you do

There are certain things we endure that, maybe should not be endured. When something designed as a protective or preventive measure feels more like punishment, perhaps it’s time to fine-tune it yet again. What began as perhaps a sincere belief that technology could do the impossible, and morphed into a form of stochastic terrorism, has perhaps now morphed yet again into some sort of dystopian psych eval masquerading as a thing masquerading as yet another thing. But it’s there for a reason, and that reason is to gatekeep and weed out, and to keep you guessing. What are you? Are you a threat? Are you a bad person? Are you weak-kneed? Spineless? Uncommitted? Sneaky? We will find out.

Meanwhile the children with good hearts come to the door and beg for sweets. There never was a trick, it was always just treats.

Sometimes you don’t miss something because it’s gone, you miss it because it ended without explanation or discussion. A one-sided ending.

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