Disordered Chronicles, 2023-01-07

Woke up around 6:30. Lazed in bed until 7:30. Made coffee, back to bed and browsed a bunch. Made the startling life decision that today would be a work and organization day. Work as in employment-related labor, organization as in organizing my workspace. I set the goal for 9AM and hustled to browse more until my deadline. 9AM. Completely cleared my home office desk space, it hasn’t looked like this since the pandemic started. It’s pristine, it’s gorgeous. Grabbed a USB-C to DisplayPort cable so that I can view my work laptop on the big screen. Grabbed my TimeCube so that I can hold myself accountable. Brewed a second batch of coffee. Ate pancakes and sausage links for breakfast. The plan is to spend the 10AM-11AM hour working on a backup system project, and then reassess where I am at that point. I plan to build in breaks for reading, browsing, and journaling progress. My soundtrack for this initial work period is Simulation Theory by Muse, from 2018. 1 hour set on the TimeCube, coffee poured… and… go. Hour complete. Next hour begins (it’s now 11AM) Two more hours. Taking a break. Stuck on the bareos vmware plugin seeming to be unable to find the pyVim module. Oooh, the tool I was waiting for arrived. Switching gears to finish assembling something.

The Magick of Aleister Crowley

Today, my Calibre e-book software’s “Pick a random book” feature chose a book for me: Lon Milo Duquette’s “The Magick of Aleister Crowley: A Handbook of the Rituals of Thelema.” There are coincidences, and there are coincidences. I had just browsed a photo on Twitter of a beautiful young trans girl sporting the unicursal hexagram as a pendant, so the thelemic theme was planted lin my brain when the book was chosen for me. Being this day of commitments, I hereby commit to this book.