Demonolatry in Prison

Despite the fact that I’m not incarcerated, and probably don’t know anyone who’s currently incarcerated, much less someone with an interest in demonolatry who is currently incarcerated, I found this next document thought-provoking and potentially useful.

It’s called: Scales of Ma’at: A Guide for the Incarcerated. It was published by S. Connolly eight years ago and at least at one point was offered as a free PDF. The files listed on are mostly broken links at this point, so I don’t know whether that’s being maintained at all.

In any case, the document outlines how one can go about practicing demonolatry in a highly restrictive environment with limited props and accessories, and not much freedom to modify one’s surroundings to create an optimal environment for the type of work involved. Add to that the potential danger one might face in merely exercising one’s freedom of religion in public, depending on the gestalt of one’s surroundings and the potential stigma associated with the religion in which they choose to participate, and it’s easy to see how this document can be surprisingly helpful, potentially extending far beyond demonolatry.

First there are the fairly predictable yet practical discussions. When one can’t use props, one must improvise. There are practical physical improvisations, and then there are the improvisations you can make in your mind.

In addition, several specific workings are provided which are specifically useful for those enjoying the hospitality of the criminal justice system. Whereas practitioners on the outside might lean in the majority toward the acquisition of love or money, those inside might need assistance in resolving a legal matter in their favor.

While reading this, I made parallels in my mind to those practicing elsewhere, perhaps in a free yet unsupportive environment. Perhaps in a home where others are unaware, unsupportive or even hostile. I thought that some of these techniques could be useful to someone in that type of situation. Turns out Connolly already has a document for that. It’s called Hidden: Living With the Uninitiated. I have been unable to score a copy of this one yet, but will report back if I do.

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