On Jizz Magic

I’ve come across several references in the past few days on how some occult texts were deliberately obfuscated (duh!) by changing the texts to make them refer to blood sacrifices and murder to make them seem MORE (socially acceptable? Palatable?) than the sex acts and fluids they actually meant to refer to, because writing about such “immoral” topics back then could lead to serious social and legal problems. And of course, the true initiates recognizes this because they’ve been “initiated.” To this day very few texts refer specifically and explicitly to the sex acts and fluids involved in certain rituals. It’s Heroic Alterity all over again, where in that text everything is a veiled allegory for autofellatio. It’s as if semen is considered such a powerful and magical substance that consuming it is at the top of the occult to-do list. I’d love to find some direct, unobfuscated texts that go into that topic in detail. Is it only your OWN semen? Is there power in consuming others’ semen? What about planting it unbeknownst to the person doing the consuming? I’m sure some occultist has put down some theories on this.

A quick google leads to some jizz science, how the roots of jizz worship lie in the the alchemical search for phosphorus:


And then there’s Glenn Scheper’s classic work on the cloaking of autofellatio references through the ages. You might find it by searching for “Heroic Alterity.”

I never thought I’d see the day where Scheper’s work, which I discovered in the early 2000s, was debated amongst “internet scholars.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Autofellatio/Archive_4

As mentioned previously in my Magia Sexualis post, there ARE some documents out there with oddly specific recipes and instructions.

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