More on Pornography

I found, and read “Your Brain on Porn” by Gary Wilson.

I get how “porn addiction” is a problem for some people. To be honest, I think the addiction part is the operative word. Take away their porn, and they will find something else to be addicted to.

It’s just that it hasn’t really been my experience. That reality that some folks experience where they have to keep escalating their experience, either by viewing more and more explicit imagery, or their addiction is a physical sex addiction, engaging in more and more risky, violent or extreme activities for the same level of stimulation — well, that has never been my reality. For the most part, I am still turned on by the same things that turned me on when I was a teenager.

I was just glad this book didn’t piggyback off of the “erototoxins” pseudoscience. It basically described the symptoms mentioned above, and provided some advice to those experiencing those symptoms. Common-sense advice, such as taking a break to reboot your senses.

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