Summary: Magia Sexualis

I happened upon a copy of Magia Sexualis by Paschal Beverly Randolph (PBR, lol!) in my travels, and I wanted to summarize it here briefly.

I really like it when I come across a text that’s devoid of fluff. This one is completely devoid of fluff. It’s only 30 pages long, and goes right into it, after the translator’s (Robert North) preface. And there’s not a whole lot of content here. But what there is, well, it’s concise. It’s right on the money, no nonsense ingredients and instructions.

There’s a section on sexual positions relating to “charging of volts” via sexual magick. There’s another section on various types of “fluid condensors” for various magickal purposes. I believe I understand what this section is dancing around, but I will leave that to the individual reader to decipher.

Lastly, there is a very interesting section on the care, maintenance and use of magic mirrors which I had not seen before. It contains very clear instructions, and this section alone is worth obtaining this piece of historical work.

Get your copy here:

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