
The goal of this site is to simply explore. I am exploring the wealth of information buried in the dark corners of the Internet and beyond. As I learn about things, I’ll share them here. I have sworn no oaths which will be violated here — the advantage of being completely unaffiliated, simply a solitary explorer scavenging across the wires, is that i hold no loyalty or allegiance to any of the entities about which I may write. If there appears to be an esoteric or occult bent to the things I’m exploring, there’s a reason for that — I’m out here in the weeds trying to make sense of it all. I’ll be talking about my impressions of various schools of thought, orders, authors and other personalities in no particular order. Writing about it helps me to process the intake. What happens when a human processes intake? Two things. It nourishes the human, and it creates shit. I will try to balance the two here, as well as I can. Sometimes it’s hard.

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